
.002 | Discover Life-Changing Inquiry Def + Become a More Innovative Educator

Inquiry Def

So, what is the meaning of the word inquiry? Inquiry defined is the act of asking for information or an official investigation into something.  Let’s talk about the inquiry definition in education. The part of the inquiry definition we are going to be looking at as educators is asking our students for more information about a topic we have provided them.  The part of the inquiry definition our students are going to be looking at is the investigation piece.  This is the foundation of inquiry based learning.


Inquiry Based Learning Def

The def of inquiry based learning is students learn through research.  As the teacher, you are responsible for guiding this research.  The amount of guidance you give will depend on what grade level you teach and how much previous experience your students have with inquiry based learning.


What is inquiry process?

Beginner Inquiry:

  • You may tell your students exactly what to Google search. You may then have your students copy and paste a related image and copy and paste a definition. (If you use physical notebook, you could have students sketch a drawing and write the definition).  You could use this example of inquiry based learning in ANY of your subject areas.

Intermediate Inquiry:

  • At this level, I given my students an article to skim, a video to watch, and a photograph to make connections to.  I provide my students with guided questions to answer while they are looking at their provided resources. I let my students inquire on one topic at a time, and then, I review their guided questions and model where to find the necessary information.

Advanced Inquiry:

  • At this stage of inquiry, I tend to provide my students with the same information, just more topics.  I may make a Google Slides presentation for the whole unit and have students independently complete several slides.  Students should also pull an additional piece of information from their resources.  After they complete the slides, I like to come together to have deeper conversations about the content.

Expert Inquiry:

  • Finally, we have the expert level!  This is not something I typically do whole class at the 5th grade level.  For me, this is done more in guided reading and writing with my more advanced students.  I give students a list of topics.  They find their own credible resources, and they write their own deeper level questions and thoughts down.  Once they have finished, they are ready to have a deeper conversation about the information with their peers.  As the teacher, I only facilitate this and prompt students as needed.


Why is inquiry based learning important?

According to the def of inquiry, students are forced to be investigators and find their own knowledge.  Students learn better this way.  They are able to retain more information this way.

When you lecture your class whole group, most students tend to retain very little information.  They need to be invested.  Students need to work at their own pace.  They need to dig deep and read carefully with a purpose.  Students need to listen (videos and documentaries).  They need to be facilitated.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying don’t teach a traditional lecture. What I am saying is complete that after students have finished their inquiry.  This allows students to make connections to the background knowledge they acquired through inquiry based learning.

Use your lecturing time to fill in any content knowledge gaps that you notice. Also, use this time to facilitate deeper level conversations about the content.  Encourage students to question things and make deeper connections.  If you don’t have the answer for a question, then stop right there and seize the moment to model finding this information.  Students need to see you doing this ALL OF THE TIME!


Where do I start?

Okay fellow educator, I know exactly how you feel.  This is just one more thing to try to learn on top of  your already overflowing to-do list.

Breathe.  I promise this is so easy to implement.  I have a free handbook and mini-course that will have you wondering why you haven’t done this sooner.

Click the image above, and I’ll email you everything you need to get inquiry based learning into your classroom tomorrow!

Goodbye for now!

Leave a comment below letting my know what grade you teach.  Also, let me know how inquiry is going in your classroom.  Are you using different strategies? Do you do something similar to me? Or, is inquiry based learning uncharted territory for you?

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Hi, I'm Jenniffer!

I help educators like you plan lessons with higher rigor and use technology in their classroom more efficiently.  I live in Aiken, South Carolina with my three children (Shawn, Owen, and Lilith). When I’m not teaching students or spending time with my children, you can find me at my computer devoted to you guys!

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