I'll bet you're here because...

...you know all of the new standards require inquiry. You know you need to go more paperless/digital in the classroom...

You want to do what’s best for your students. You feel overwhelmed or could use some fresh ideas

You know you need to update your curriculum and lesson plans, but there’s never anytime to learn and start something new.
  • Teaching your content through inquiry can be seamless.
  • You will feel like an empowered educator once you learn  the simple steps to create and/or update your lesson.
  • You will wonder why you haven’t done this sooner!

If this sounds like you at all, then I’m glad you found me!  I am Jenniffer Bodie, and I have a passion for coaching educators like you.  I am here to help you revamp your curriculum to meet the needs of our 21st century learners.

Here's how I can help:

Learn how to plan your lessons with inquiry.

Sign up for my Free 5-Step Course.  You will get lifetime access to guided videos, a printable handbook with templates, and other printable cheatsheets!

You’ll learn:

  • How to dissect your standards.
  • How to efficiently find resources for your students to complete inquiry.
  • How to prompt students with higher DOK questions while they are exploring their resources.
  • How reach all types of learners by providing different key types of media.
  • How to implement your inquiry driven lessons 3 different ways, so you can pick the method that you’re most comfortable with as an educator.

Want more?

Do you want to know how you can improve the usability of you digital lessons (for you and your students)?

Get on the waitlist for my upcoming course on “Navigating Google Slides Like A Pro” and I’ll help you learn the ends and outs on how to utilize Google Slides to it’s full potential without students accidentally deleting your hardwork from your slides.

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Get great strategies for planning and running your classroom more smoothly and to help you grow as an educator.

Subscribe to my blog, Jenniffer Bodie – Moving Forward in Education, and learn how to make your life in the classroom much more efficient.  I will send you an email each time I release a new blog post!

You’ll find out:

  • How to analyze data.
  • How to use data to drive your small group instruction.
  • How to plan, so you are getting all of your content in your day.
  • How to use more technology in your classroom.
  • How to increase the rigor of your lesson and facilitate and greater depth of knowledge from your students

Why I do what I do:

I have been an educator for the past decade.  My career began with substitute teaching while I was in college. I graduated with a degree in Early Childhood Education with and add-on in Elementary Education. A few years later, I graduated with my Master’s in Education Administration.

I am in year seven as an official classroom teacher.  Like many of you, I went home to teach virtually in March 2020.  I have not returned to a physical classroom since.

I can still remember prior to that when administration and districts had this huge push to use more technology and to go more paperless.  I remember being given only 1,000 copies per semester.  In a class of 25, that’s less than one sheet per child per day!

The thought of going paperless seemed impossible, until I had no choice.  The end of the 2020 school year was survival mode.  I shared my screen and we read articles, and I called on students to answer questions.  This was about the extend of my digital instruction.  Then, the 2020-2021 school year came, and I knew I had to learn better methods.  I took just about every training I could find to instruct with technology more. It was a year of learning and growing as an educator.

Fast-forward to this school year and paperless is my normal!  I feel like competent virtual educator now.

So how do my experiences drive what I do?

I want to help my fellow educators.  It doesn’t matter if you are still in a brick and mortar building or if you’re a virtual teacher like me.  It doesn’t matter if you are fresh out of college or a seasoned, veteran education or anywhere in between.  The fact is paperless and technology is the norm now.  It is the expectation.

I wanted create a space for teachers to learn and evolve their special skills.  I wanted a space where teachers can go digital without having to give up their rigor. (I remember search TeachersPayTeachers and finding beautiful, digital resources, but when I opened them, the rigor was not there!) I know you can have both. And, I am going to make sure you have both.

This is my why.  This is why I have this page.  This is why I spend countless extra hours (on top of being a teacher) working on this website, creating courses, and creating quality digital resources.  I believe every teacher deserves to have the tools in their toolbox to meet the needs of their 21st century learners.


Don't waste another second...

…join me now to start growing and I’ll email you my Free 5-Step course to seamlessly adding inquiry into your lessons.
